This project has been on hold since 2016
All the data on this site is still available (and will stay available) but not up-to-date anymore
You might like to check Dmitry Moskalchuk's portfolio for his other projects
WARNING!!! You are looking for outdated CrystaX NDK release.
New CrystaX NDK 10.3.2 is available, offering numerous great features and improvements; perhaps you should check it out instead of using old one.


Here is customized distribution of Android NDK r6 which I have rebuilt from official sources. Starting from NDK r5, Google added support of C++ exceptions, RTTI and STL to the official NDK. That's good but not enough for many peoples including me. Starting from r5-crystax-1, main goal of this project will be improvements of official NDK (after all, this is the best way to integrate such improvements into mainline - that's how it was with full C++ support in Google's NDK).

One of such big improvements is C++ standard conformant support of wide chars (wide strings, streams etc). Finally, after months of development, it's fully completed. You shouldn't care about wide chars/strings/streams anymore when porting existing code to Android - just compile it using my NDK and go further. Download and enjoy!


The content of the CrystaX NDK is covered by various open-source licenses. See the copyright disclaimers in each respective file for details.

Note that the CrystaX NDK release packages also contain prebuilt binaries for the compiler, linker, archiver, etc. The source codes for the toolchains are available at GitHub (you can use the build script to download it automatically).

The prebuilt GCC and companion binaries (GDB, binutils etc) are covered by either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). For details, see the files COPYING and COPYING.LIB under $NDK/toolchains/$tc/prebuilt/$system.

The prebuilt LLVM/Clang toolchains are covered by the LLVM "BSD" license.

Basically, licensing rules are the same as for Google's Android NDK - i.e., both commercial and non-commercial usage allowed. The only additions are regarding CrystaX parts, which are covered by a permissive BSD 2-clause license.


File Size SHA256 66.334 MB 7ee778f17251c34...595298693ee927
android-ndk-r6-crystax-2-darwin-x86.tar.bz2 53.282 MB 2facd0087a7c4e9...c9e1ed1df7ed22
android-ndk-r6-crystax-2-linux-x86.tar.bz2 47.986 MB e09d40b1c0b8529...d33966727a9975

How to build

You can also build your own distribution if you don't want to use my prebuilt versions. To do that, follow instructions below.

Setting up build environment:

Follow instructions from AOSP site except Java part.
WARNING!!! Starting from r5, NDK can be built only on Linux/Mac machines. Windows build is not more supported! However, Windows binaries can be built on Linux using so called "cross-canadian build". To do that, you need install mingw32 package; build script will detect it and build Windows binaries automatically.


  • Download build script and run it:
    wget -O - | /bin/sh
    It might take long time, up to several hours. When script will be finished, it'll print directory containing package with NDK release.
  • Use this package as replacement of Google's NDK!


Our contributors: